This Week's Insights: Franchise movies are crowding out everything else... Big Data is changing what music is making it... Are music genres disappearing?... Why bands are ditching encores. Big Movies Squash The Rest: Hollywood is having an … [Read More...]
This Week’s Audience Stories Highlights

This Week’s Top Audience Stories: Studies That try To Convince You Of The Benefits Of Art
This Week's Insights: The arts help you live longer?... Best-selling books need movies to become best-selling... Why Broadway curtain calls are getting more elaborate... Paris tries to diversify with the arts... Does virtual reality improve the … [Read More...]

This Week’s Top Audience Stories: Ticket Scalping’s Scary Next Gen
This Week's Insights: The next phase of ticket scalping... When popularity doesn't define a good art experience... Why are museums turning to performance?... When artists end and brand begin... Philadelphia offers a culture pass to library … [Read More...]
Audience Stories
Featured Audience

How Opera Theatre Of St. Louis Tackled Its “Leaky Bucket”
Like many performing arts organizations, OTSL realized that it suffered from “leaky bucket” syndrome: As older audience members dropped away, not enough young ones were stepping up to take up the … [Read More...]

Does Community Participation Scale to Destination Institutions?
Our entire strategy at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History is rooted in community participation. We invite diverse locals to share their creative and cultural talents with our greater community at … [Read More...]
AJ Audience

On “looky-loos” and the institutions who are desperate for them and desperate for them to behave
"If our economic models depend on drawing exponentially more looky-loos than participants then is it really reasonable to expect those lured to our events by aggressive marketing or buzz to be … [Read More...]

Dear White Orchestras – A Challenge To “Universality”
"A universalist ethic inclines us to believe that orchestral music is, itself, a universal thing and our place in the arts ecosystem is related to that. It leads us to focus on how this music is True … [Read More...]

Attention Deficit Disorder: Our Walled-Garden Problem
As the digital world pummels us with more information and choice, many of us react by walling off the things we simply won’t pay attention to. It’s a survival strategy. We increasingly define … [Read More...]