ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Alan Harrison

Alan Harrison

Last of the Summer Whine

The seven attributes of a successful nonprofit arts organization. You gotta do all seven to win. Come on now, I ...

“You Know, That Happened Before I Was Even Born.”

That’s your excuse? Really? Don’t worry. You haven’t missed a thing. I’m tired of hearing it. It’s a lazy excuse, ...

Nonprofit Arts Leaders: Just Like the Overhead Myth, Ratios are Ridiculous

Plus: a bonus, non-hypothetical question for you! Budget realistically. If you insist on selling tickets to unpopular art, don’t force ...

This Just In: A New (and Unedited) Review for “SCENE CHANGE”

Many in the nonprofit arts sector will decry this manifesto as heresy, only validating its necessity. Harrison presents a ...

When the Money Keeps Rolling In, You Don’t Ask Why — Or Should You?

Cronyism is disgusting – and a way of life for large Seattle nonprofit arts organizations There are some that get ...
function my_excerpt_length($length){ return 200; } add_filter('excerpt_length', 'my_excerpt_length');