ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Just How Did Encanto Get So Big *After* It Left Theatres?

Something about another wave, the seeming impossibility of it all - and a family pulling together, maybe? Or, well, a lot of repeat watchings and non-stop soundtrack listens, driven by at-home kids - The Guardian (UK)

As Voting Begins, Whose Rep Is Rising For The Oscars?

After all of last week's guild nominations, it's not looking great for Lost Daughter, but Being the Ricardos showed in force. - Vulture

Hollywood’s Basic Crafts Unions Reach Tentative Agreement

That's 7500 workers - plumbers, electricians, drivers, animal trainers, etc. - without whom Hollywood would have a very hard time pumping out content. - Variety

Tubing Streaming Stars Are Burning Out

Twitch is now being criticised for encouraging streamers to spend an unhealthy amount of time on the platform and then not doing enough to support them. - BBC

How To Think About Being Online

The key to cutting through the confusion is to see that digital transformation is not a single thing, but a multi-faceted journey with differing goals depending on your industry and digital maturity. - Harvard Business Review

Some Of The Best-Loved Scenes In Iconic Movies Are Only There Because Of Test Screenings

Anne Archer shooting Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. Julia Roberts dancing with Rupert Everett to end My Best Friend's Wedding. The freeway dance that opens La La Land. All there thanks to test audiences. And that Kevin Costner baseball movie nearly went out under the title Shoeless Joe. - BBC

Oops: Nielsen Admits It Undercounted Viewership And Cost Ad Dollars

Between April and the end of the 2021, the VAB says, Nielsen did not count “one and a half billion impressions” in 20 top events.  The group believes the true total of advertising dollars lost during the period could be more than $350 million. - Variety

I Was At The Auditions For “Shortbus”, John Cameron Mitchell’s Sex Movie

Back in 2003, journalist Mark Harris had been going to write a book about the film and its process; now, as Shortbus is being reissued, he's revisited his notebooks. "This is going to be complicated. BOUNDARIES." - New York Magazine

Jad Abumrad Is Leaving “Radiolab”

"It's a momentous occasion, but for close observers, this development doesn't entirely come out of nowhere. … Radiolab isn't going anywhere, and Abumrad has left the show in capable hands." - Vulture

Pivot To Video Is Changing The Performing Arts

 “You get something different from film. We want to be specific in our storytelling: we want it to be close-up and we want to feel the energy of the artist. That means venturing into film. It’s not cheap but it’s extremely rewarding.” - Style Weekly (Richmond)

“Fight Club” Gets A Whole New Ending For Streaming In China

In execution, it's sort of lame: instead of explosions, a title card is slipped in to say that the authorities foiled Project Mayhem and Tyler Durden was sent to a "lunatic asylum." And, says one source, this was probably done by the distributor, not the government's censors themselves. - Variety

Indie Movies Are Quite Odd Right Now

Let’s call them “bizart-house movies,” for lack of a better term — unapologetically odd and original creations, led by a gifted group of rebel auteurs who don’t kowtow to popular expectations. - Variety

Social Media Is Flooding Us With Addictive Junk News

A digital drug for anyone with a phone, and especially young people, the TikTok app uses random reinforcement — similar to a slot machine on the Las Vegas strip — to keep users scrolling. It has changed the way Americans tell and view stories. - Salon

Artists To “Meta”: We Don’t Trust You

Many have begun fleeing Instagram... They expressed skepticism that Meta, a social-media behemoth, could develop, launch and manage a marketplace where they weren’t looking over their shoulders. - Forbes

Countries That Fund Public Broadcasting Better Have Healthier Democracies: Study

The question is: in which direction does the causality run? - Nieman Lab

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