ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Past Lives Conveys So Much About The Immigrant Experience

"Like Nora, I had lofty dreams and thought of America as my salvation of sorts. The place where I could achieve things I’d never have an opportunity to experience in Iran. As I watched the movie nestled next to my Midwestern husband, I wondered … what did I sacrifice?" - HuffPost

The Woman Who Brought Libraries Online

The internet was hard to use in 1992 - there was no web browser, for instance - so "the service was mediated by local librarians, who would help library-goers take their baby steps online." - NPR

The Binge: Healthy Indulgence Or Destructive Behavior?

Here’s what has me perplexed: The word itself means doing something excessively, and to do anything excessively means doing it more than is reasonable or acceptable. If that’s still true and the English language hasn’t shifted just yet, then to binge means to do something too much. - The Smart Set

The Psychology Of How We Sort Into Categories

At some point, we have to make a principled decision about what the category is and why that is the best way to think about it, because the world isn’t pre-divided into nice categories that we simply have to notice. - The Reader

If Our Tools Shape Us, How Will AI Change Us?

Just as Joseph Stalin called artists the “engineers of the soul,” Gemini and other AI bots may function as the engineers of our mindscapes. Programmed by the hacker wizards of Silicon Valley, AI may become a vehicle for programming us—with profound implications for democratic citizenship. - The Atlantic

How Flamboyant Academics Were Purged From the Universities

Part of the official reason for the elimination of flamboyant academic styles such as these was that they tended to be off-putting to new entrants to the profession, and in particular to women. - Unherd

Finding The Differences Between “Natural” Intelligence And “Artificial” Intelligence

“What separates natural from artificial forces? Does natural intelligence end where I think something to myself, silently, alone? How about using a notebook or calling a friend for advice?” - The Baffler

Losing Your Mind? Forgetting Is Part Of The Design For How Memory Works

“The problem isn’t your memory, it’s that we have the wrong expectations for what memory is for in the first place. Severe memory loss is undoubtedly debilitating, but our most typical complaints and worries around everyday forgetting are largely driven by deeply rooted misconceptions.” - Undark

Reframing Sleep In a Cultural/Artistic Way

Works of literature and art, for example, can teach us to challenge dominant visions of sleep, allowing us to see sleep as a place where values are formed and cultural debates are shaped. - The Conversation

AI Is Neither Artificial Or Intelligent

Let me explain why I think that it is in fact a mistake to use the term “artificial intelligence” to refer to these systems. - 3 Quarks Daily

Is It Possible To Make A ‘Fair’ Crossword Puzzle?

Should crosswords lead solvers to new words and ideas, or should they be for those who’ve been doing crosswords for a while and “don’t want to be disrupted”? Crossword creator Anna Shechtman says it’s a challenge. “The notion of a sort of apolitical, abstract common knowledge is a fantasy." - Slate

The Radio Squirrels Of Point Reyes Are Keeping Morse Code Alive

"Morse code outlived the telegraph age by becoming the lingua franca of the sea. But by the late 20th century, satellite radio was turning it into a dying language." The last official transmission went out in 1999 - but it’s not dead yet. - The Atlantic

This 50-Part TikTok Saga, Totaling More Than 10 Hours Of Viewing, Makes It Clear Who’s Using The App Now

Like Zola for those with long Twitter memories (your current editor watched that one unveil in real time), last weekend’s epic TikTok drama shows that middle-aged users are taking over the app that originally appealed to the Youth. - The New York Times

Uh-Oh: AI Can Be Infected With Worms

Now, in a demonstration of the risks of connected, autonomous AI ecosystems, a group of researchers have created one of what they claim are the first generative AI worms—which can spread from one system to another, potentially stealing data or deploying malware in the process. - Wired

The New Science Of Telling History

What if instead of digging in the archives and criticising arguments, you could write history directly from the physical remains of the past, reconstructing events with the forensic detail of a crime scene investigator? This would be a history written not from words, but from things. - The Guardian

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