ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Egyptian Woman Gets Three Years In Prison For Tiktok Dance Videos

"Haneen Hossam, a social media influencer, was arrested in 2020. ... Prosecutors had accused her of promoting human trafficking by allegedly exploiting minor girls to gain material benefits with dance videos. It wasn't clear how the videos were related to human trafficking." - AP

Allegations Of Toxic Culture Behind Giant LA Dance Competition

Behind the bright lights and pulsing music, some dancers say they were sexually assaulted, harassed and manipulated by the company’s powerful founder and famous teachers and choreographers, according to a joint investigation by The Associated Press and the Toronto Star. - Seattle Times (AP)

Australian Ballet Goes All In

“To be the nation’s ballet company, to be one of the leading arts organisations in the country, we have to not only do a complete arc of work that encapsulates dance in general – and not just classical ballet – but we also have a responsibility to set the bar." - The Age (Melbourne)

A Nonbinary, Male-Born Dancer Could Be Headed Toward A Career Performing On Pointe (And Not Just With The Trocks)

Ashton Edwards, a 19-year-old apprentice at Pacific Northwest Ballet, has been dancing on pointe in class as a matter of course, performs both male and female roles, and will be in the corps of swans in the company's upcoming run of Swan Lake. - The New York Times

Ballet Companies All Do “Swan Lake”. What Makes One Version Different From Another?

"The story is old, the steps are old, and that's all part of Swan Lake's endurance – it's a classical ballet. So how does a ballet company make their Swan Lake different from the Swan Lake next door?" Here's how four prominent choreographers have differentiated their versions. - New York Observer

Ballerinas Are Athletes

And so experts are helping them, along with athletes from other arenas entirely, learn to avoid injury. Aside from the art, the biggest difference: "There's no other athlete who spends as many hours training." - ABC (Australia)

The International Dance Community Has Mobilized To Help Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has hit the tightknit ballet world hard, and dancers have responded with an unprecedented storm of activism. - Washington Post

“We’re Going Back To The Cold War”: Russian Ballet Is Getting Cut Off From The World

"Russia's invasion of Ukraine has upended ballet, as prominent artists shun Russia's storied dance companies; theaters in the West cancel performances by the Bolshoi and the Mariinsky; and dance in Russia, which had opened up to the world ..., seems to be turning inward again." - The New York Times

How Intimacy Directors Work In Ballet

"Intimacy work for screen and theater doesn't entirely translate to dance. In those fields, intimacy directors choreograph sexually charged scenes by setting the performers' moves in advance, but for existing dance works, the choreography mostly can't be altered, which limits their potential input." - The New York Times

Dance Salad, A Festival “Born In Brussels, Brought Up In Houston”

For 25 years, an enterprising Texan named Nancy Henderek has been bringing major artists to her hometown for a three-day festival with "bite-size samplings" (hence the name) from multiple works and companies on each program. And she helps edit some of those works herself. - The New York Times

Charlotte Ballet Appoints A New Artistic Director

"The dance company announced Thursday that Alejandro Cerrudo, 41, will be its next leader. Cerrudo has worked as a dancer and choreographer for 24 years, most recently as resident choreographer at the Pacific Northwest Ballet in Seattle." - The Charlotte Observer

What NFTs Have To Do With Dance

The disparities between the dance and tech communities can seem pretty vast, yet the two have found an odd, contemporary synergy in NFTs: non-fungible (as in, one-of-a-kind) tokens (as in, a thing). - Dance Magazine

Who Should Be ABT’s New Artistic Director? Misty Copeland

I’m struck by what the company could accomplish with a leadership choice that looks to the future of ballet. A choice that makes a strong statement about representation and progress, and acknowledges a new generation of artists — and potential audience members. - Washington Post

Inside A London Toe Shoe Factory

Freed of London, based in Hackney, has been making pointe shoes for almost a century. But while being one of the only producers of the shoes in the UK means that business is booming, the technique has been added to a red list of endangered crafts at risk of being lost. - BBC

After A False Start, David Hallberg Finally Presents Australia’s First Nationwide Dance Festival

The former ABT star, now artistic director of the Australian Ballet, wanted to bring together leading dance companies from all over the country for a festival.  That gathering, called DanceX, was to open last September but was foiled by a COVID lockdown.  DanceX will happen this October. - The Age (Melbourne)

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