ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Doubting Thomas: Greenville County Museum Sells “Alma’s Flower Garden” in a Non-Transparent Transaction

Taking a page from the problematic playbooks of the Berkshire, Everson and Baltimore museums, the Greenville County Museum of Art, South Carolina, has become the latest poster child for deplorable deaccessions. - Lee Rosenbaum

Marshall Marcus Talks the UN and Arts Organizations

The Secretary General of the European Union Youth Orchestra shares about the connection between the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the mission of arts organizations. - Aaron Dworkin

Join the Conversation

I have said before here that the time for talk is long past and that figuring out a way to prod real action on DEI issues is essential. This Conversation, hosted by the Community Engagement Network, is an attempt to lay groundwork for actual movement. - Doug Borwick

Savage Beauty

 A generation of important Chinese composers, paradoxical beneficiaries of enforced rural relocation, wound up studying in the West. For many, Bela Bartok became a lodestar for his way of retaining the spontaneity and savage beauty of folk elements. And so they discovered a middle ground between Chinese and Western instrumental performance. - Joseph Horowitz

Ashleigh Gordon Shares the Castle of our Skins

The co-founder, Artistic/Executive Director and violist of Castle of our Skins, a collective of artists of all kinds dedicated to advancing Black artistry through music, shares the philosophy behind her leadership work furthering the contributions of Black artists. - Aaron Dworkin

Web Streaming and Book Publishing: Two Bright Spots for the Cultural Sector During COVID-19?

Compared with the average annual growth rate of arts and cultural industries as a whole (+3 percent), web streaming and web publishing surged by 12 percent, in terms of the value added by those industries to the U.S. economy. The book and software publishing industry grew by over 7 percent. In both cases, we might expect to see sustained...

Syracuse Musings: Words of Wisdom (or not) from Panelists at the Deaccession Symposium

Here are some lessons from old-school conference speakers who acknowledged the need for progress, but defended what former Metropolitan Museum director Philippe de Montebello once called “the primacy of art” in the museum’s mission. - Lee Rosenbaum

Nobel Prize: Sweet!

Lucky in Manhattan to have a Japanese market nearby, and because I’m enticed by anything in a post-Pop package, I fell for Nobel’s Super Cola, three ounces for $3, a dozen or so globes of hot surprise. I told myself that I sprung for my candyphile boyfriend, but they were really for me. When artists such as Lichtenstein or...

Notes on Outsiders: Carl Weissner’s German Essays and Reportage

To get the drift of Aufzeichnungen über Aussenseiter, I’ve been typing pieces of text into Google Translate. It’s a helluva time-consuming job, but it’s more than worth the effort. It’s just obvious how classy and swinging the whole thing is! Herewith, an excerpt: "Buk Sings His Ass Off." - Jan Herman

Obtuse in Syracuse: How the University’s Deaccession Symposium Got Compromised by Conflicts of Interest

Although last week’s Syracuse Symposium was nominally about Deaccessioning After 2020, it was mostly focused on the new museum imperative — advancing DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access) by any means possible, even at the cost of dismantling, monetizing and redefining the “permanent” collection to further those sociopolitical goals. - Lee Rosenbaum

Sophie Fuller Talks Women Composers

A Programme Leader at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance in London speaks about the inspiration of women who write music. - Aaron Dworkin

The STEEP Road Back

The many threats and threads around reopening social spaces for live performance can easily blur together. Focused problem-solving and readiness require that we tease them apart. One way to do so might be the age-old approach to environmental scanning: the acronym STEEP. - Andrew Taylor

Rare Book Collecting: Connecting Brion Gysin and Paul-Armand Gette

To rate collectors by the use they make of their collections rather than simply by completeness or the rarity and excellence of individual items makes great sense. - Jan Herman

Clive Gillinson Talks Leadership in a Digital World

The Executive & Artistic Director of Carnegie Hall shares the importance of the digital landscape and leadership teams. - Aaron Dworkin

Is it possible to mourn James Levine?

Yes, but with an enormous asterisk.May 4, 2011. If only it had stopped there. - David Patrick Stearns

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