Michael Rushton
Should opera companies just slash their ticket prices?
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that Opera Philadelphia is radically cutting their prices (the article is paywalled, but you get 6 months of the Inquirer for a buck, which...
Does it matter if the subsidized arts are mostly attended by the well-off?
I have a new paper out, “The pursuit of equality through public funding for the arts”, in Innovating Institutions and Inequities in the Arts, edited...
On the Florida Arts Funding Cuts: Beyond the Fringe
Last week Florida governor Ron DeSantis vetoed $32 million in arts funding, which in that state is managed and allocated by the Division of...
Arts presenters need to show some spine
In class I’ve told students I don’t like the phrase “cancel culture” since it is never quite clear what the speaker means by it....
Why Public Funding for the Arts: A Personal View
I wrote a book looking at how different ways of moral and political theorizing drew different conclusions regarding whether the state should, or should not, subsidize...