ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Michael Rushton

Michael Rushton
Michael Rushton teaches in the Arts Administration programs at Indiana University in Bloomington. An economist by training, he has published widely on such topics as public funding of the arts, copyright, nonprofit organizations and tax policy, and served as Co-Editor of the Journal of Cultural Economics.

Should opera companies just slash their ticket prices?

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that Opera Philadelphia is radically cutting their prices (the article is paywalled, but you get 6 months of the Inquirer for a buck, which...

Does it matter if the subsidized arts are mostly attended by the well-off?

I have a new paper out, “The pursuit of equality through public funding for the arts”, in Innovating Institutions and Inequities in the Arts, edited...

On the Florida Arts Funding Cuts: Beyond the Fringe

Last week Florida governor Ron DeSantis vetoed $32 million in arts funding, which in that state is managed and allocated by the Division of...

Arts presenters need to show some spine

In class I’ve told students I don’t like the phrase “cancel culture” since it is never quite clear what the speaker means by it....

Why Public Funding for the Arts: A Personal View

I wrote a book looking at how different ways of moral and political theorizing drew different conclusions regarding whether the state should, or should not, subsidize...
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