ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Jan Herman

Jan Herman

I Guess It Had to Happen

Julian Peters has done Poe, Rimbaud, Frost, Keats, Dylan Thomas, Wordsworth, Oscar Wilde, Villon, Yeats, Sassoon, and plenty of others — and they're all damn well done — so why not T.S. Eliot?

‘Dear Willy’ Tells a Tale of Love and War

The letters that Hollywood director William Wyler and his wife Talli wrote to each other during World War II are the basis of a new documentary directed by Taylor Alexander.

Underground Railroad: Walt Whitman Bears Witness

... to "the runaway slave" in his most famous poem, "Song of Myself," which first appeared untitled in his self-published collection Leaves of Grass, in 1855.

One More Missive from the Department of Letters

By popular demand, here's another letter from Nelson Algren, this time a big fat gossipy one apparently in reply to questions that Roger Groening must have posed.

Not a Bad Way to Start the Week

Cleaning out one of my desk drawers, I came across a long-forgotten file folder containing a ream of letters from Nelson Algren to Roger Groening. They are a motherlode of humor, wit, and edifying entertainment, and from time to time I will post other letters of his to Roger.
function my_excerpt_length($length){ return 200; } add_filter('excerpt_length', 'my_excerpt_length');