ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Jan Herman

Jan Herman

D. H. Lawrence on the ‘Bitch-Goddess of Success’

The other day I took a drive over to Toby Pond and looked in at the house where I'd spent six months during the Covid lockdown. My favorite room there was a little library. It had two steep book-lined walls and high windows that gave plenty of light for reading. With nothing better to do, I pulled down Lady Chatterly's Lover. Having read it many years ago, I had failed to appreciate it. This time it bowled me over. Here's a small excerpt. It offers a taste of one of the novel's major themes.

Leave It to Flaubert to Tell It as It Is

Three excerpts from the recently published edition of ‘The Letters of Gustave Flaubert,’ edited and translated by Francis Steegmullers, seem to me an apt commentary on our own time.

Malaise . . . In the Middle of Nowhere

Not helped by late disasters and no idea of what to do but write these lines and think of better times.

Just in Time for Independence Day

America's top shitholer goes whole hog at the public trough, and never mind the rest of us, because that is the hog's nature. ...

BEAT SCENE No. 110 Latest Issue Is Filled With Especially Rich Tales

About Brion Gysin Paul Bowles, William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Neal Cassidy and Anne Murphy, Charles Bukowski, Herbert Huncke, Jack Kerouac, Gregory Corso, Ed Sanders, Tuli Kupferberg, Milton Klonsky, Alice Notley, Bernard Kops, Neeli Cherkovski, Emmett Grogan and the Diggers, Martin Bax, the influence of Gertrude Stein, the death of Joan Volmer, and more ...
function my_excerpt_length($length){ return 200; } add_filter('excerpt_length', 'my_excerpt_length');