ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Tag: 06.21

How Mathematical Models Gave Us An Advantage With COVID

Enormously useful mathematical tools that have been put to work during the pandemic—from classical differential equations to more recent techniques such as Monte Carlo...

Will The Chinese Government Strip Hong Kong Of Its Colonial Markers?

Ultimately, one wonders what item of Hong Kong’s colonial baggage the next publicity-seeker will attempt to steal away. - The Critic

How English Departments Waned

The old critics used familiar terms of analysis—irony, structure, symbol . . . The new theorists traded in logocentrism, “the Other,” undecidability, “infinite paradigm...

Choreographing The Social Distancing At Dance Parties

"SOCIAL! the social distance dance club advertised a COVID-conscious rave this spring, where people were free to let loose together in the Park...

This Is How Easy It Is To Troll Book Folk

What’s important to note about these hoaxes is that they are absolutely terrible—totally artless, not believable at all, only really a “fool me once”...

What Accounts For The Enduing Popularity Of Orwell?

There is no doubting the clarity and vigor of his prose, but when it comes to assessing his capacity to face up to grim...

The New Gehry Towering Over Arles

Until recently, it would have been possible to walk across town and replicate the experience with Van Gogh’s Starry Night Over the Rhône—to stand...
function my_excerpt_length($length){ return 200; } add_filter('excerpt_length', 'my_excerpt_length');