ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


In Britain, Indie Vinyl And CD Companies Are Worried

They're stressed for a variety of reasons - and one is that major labels are muscling their way back in. - The Guardian (UK)

Generative AI Is A Real Mess

But tech companies certainly don't care one bit. - Vice

A New Film In The Quest To Never Forget

"My mother was taken. I remember the last thing she said to me was, 'Be good, I’ll be back.'" - The Guardian(UK)

Jessica Lange Is Extremely Over Comic Book Movies

She says it's time to retire: "The emphasis becomes not on the art or the artist or the storytelling. It becomes about satisfying your stockholders." - Los Angeles Times

The ‘Dangerous’ Movie For Couples

Not Barbie, though the summer was filled with tales of women leaving their boyfriends after suddenly understanding the patriarchy. Fair Play is an autumn break-up movie. - The New York Times

Rock Hudson’s Semi-Secret Double Life

A new biographer says,"Let’s be frank about it: he was a horndog!" - The Guardian (UK)

When Dancers Imitate Video Game Characters

This is 2023: On TikTok, "dancers are particularly adept at moving like a machine’s version of a human. That helps creators ... capture more of what makes video games distinctive, weird and funny." - The New York Times

Filmmaker Terence Davies Dies At 77

Davies, who won numerous awards with his semi-autobiographical work as well as the adaptation of Edith Wharton's House of Mirth, was working on a new film at the time of his death. - The Observer (UK)

The Loneliness, And Creativity, Of Zora Neale Hurston

The writer "was able to form an entire worldview out of her own pain of isolation." - LitHub

Edward James Olmos Is Passing The Torch

Tired of bemoaning a lack of Latin@ folks in Hollywood, he "decided to create a pipeline for training California elementary and high school students to pursue careers in cinema: a nine-month, twice-weekly, 90-minute immersion program." It's working. - Los Angeles Times

Scrivener Is For Newbies

Ann Patchett is still using WordPerfect - and why not? It's worked so far. - The New York Times

After Popular Vote, Here’s This Year’s Winner Of ArtPrize

Artist Abdoulaye Conde has won the ArtPrize 2023 public vote grand prize for ‘Raining Wisdom,’ a massive, bright and colorful mural depicting elephants in the African wilderness that captured the attention and imagination of festival attendees. - Michigan Live

How French Museums Are Addressing The Mental Health Of Their Visitors

"The aim is not to cure, but to empower, outside of the medical framework." When it comes to relieving depressive episodes, discouraging suicidal thoughts and supporting people with autism spectrum disorders, the art world does not claim to replace medicine but, more simply, to play its part. - Le Monde

Do Movie Awards Still Matter?

Perhaps understandably, the heads of the two organizations who put on the biggest award shows in the film world have put up a solid defense about the value of the ceremonies and the awards themselves. - The Hollywood Reporter

How Ratmansky Became Ratmansky

Prolific and astonishingly versatile, he has absorbed a wide range of Western styles, from the fleet-footedness of Balanchine to the physicality and casualness of contemporary dance. He has also revitalized some of the great 19th-century story ballets. - The Wall Street Journal

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