ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


How The Arts In Australia Have Been Slowly Undermined

The last thirty years have seen management displace the creators to become the powerful figures of the arts world … Increasingly, even the section of artistic talent has been seen slipping from the hands of the sector towards the marketing and sponsorship departments … Australia needs its artists to initiate change, to rethink the present in the light of...

‘Little Did I Know’: A Theater Critic Considers The Anniversary Of The COVID Shutdown

Helen Shaw: "The pandemic has been a period of getting a lot of 'little did I know' stuff out into the open, including (but hardly limited to) the troubling ethics of the industry and the intense vulnerability of those who make a living in it. … I celebrate that our theaters closed, because it's one of the few ways...

A Political Winner In Boston — The Arts?

"As it happens, this year’s wide-open mayoral race — a political rarity in Boston — offers the cultural sector a golden opportunity to flex a little political muscle. At this early stage of the race, all of the candidates are looking for a way to stand out, and their agendas are still evolving. The cultural sector needs to ensure...

Wayne Shorter And Esperanza Spalding Turn To Crowdfunding For Their Opera

"Iphigenia is not an adaptation of the Greek myth as much as it is an intervention into myth-making itself," reads an explanation on the Indiegogo page. "Led by award-winning director Lileana Blain-Cruz, and abetted by luminary architect and scenic designer Frank Gehry, the entire creative process has led us to understand how stories have been traditionally told, and how...

The Indigenous Choreographer And The Presenter — A Dispute Spirals

The dispute burst into the open earlier this year when Emily Johnson severed her connection with Peak Performances and wrote about her decision in “A Letter I Hope in the Future Doesn’t Need to Be Written,” which she posted online on Jan. 22. In it she likened Jedediah Wheeler’s behavior — what she recounts as his screaming, his failure...

Could Netflix Transform Africa’s Cinema Ecosystem?

In Sub-Saharan Africa there are and have been numerous impressive filmmakers, but only Nigeria and South Africa have fully developed industries in which films can be funded, shot, edited and gotten to a wide public, all domestically. But the continent is full of growing markets that Netflix would like to enter, the company has plenty of money to fund...

NFT’s Explained: A New Funding Model?

Known as NFTs, such tokens have taken off in recent weeks in what’s either an ecologically destructive speculative bubble or a promising new funding model for art and media, depending on whom you ask. - Los Angeles Times

Netflix And Amazon Want To Make Lots More Programming In India, But Hindu Nationalists Aren’t Making It Easy

"U.S. video streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video are looking to the Indian market to power their global growth. But their shows are facing the wrath of Hindu nationalists, often linked to the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party or BJP, which wields increasing clout over what is acceptable entertainment. Now, the government has stepped in, raising fears about...

Boris Johnson Says The Elgin Marbles Will Not Be Returned To Greece

"Boris Johnson has used his first interview with a European newspaper since becoming the UK's prime minister to issue a point-blank rejection of the Parthenon marbles being returned to Greece. insisted that the sculptures, removed from the monument by Lord Elgin in circumstances that have since spurred one of the world's most famous cultural rows, would remain in...

What Should A COVID Memorial Look Like?

Justin Davidson: "No memorial, no matter how grand or artful, can encompass the infinite varieties of pain, or comfort everyone who experienced a global pandemic. So we at New York and Curbed have taken a stab at reducing an event of unimaginable magnitude to a series of local and communal yet personal markers. At our request, and in a...

Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival Will Happen This Year, But Outdoors Only

"Even by the standards of 2020, Jacob's Pillow had a tough year. Not only did the dance center in Becket, Mass., have to cancel its annual summer season for the first time in its history, but it also lost one of its theaters, the Doris Duke, to a fire. But 2021 has begun more brightly: it will hold...

Comparing Different Countries’ Pandemic Relief Funding For The Arts

"We added up the total emergency cultural aid packages from nine countries around the globe to show you how they compare. We looked at the size of each country's bailout in dollars, and then calculated what the totals amount to per person in order to account for differences in population size." - Artnet

Why Did It Take Four Years For Spain’s National Library To Report The Theft Of An Original Galileo Book?

"The technical department had known that the original had been replaced by a copy since May 2014, when book restorers discovered it by accident during a program to preserve old books from acid-deterioration called IFADU. But despite this discovery, in these four intervening years, the forged copy of Sidereus Nuncius left by the thief continued to appear in the...

This Year, The Salzburg Easter Festival Will Be The Salzburg All Saints Festival

The state of the pandemic being what it is just now, management didn't want to cancel the event entirely as they did last year, but concert venues in Austria didn't seem likely to reopen in less than three weeks. So the festival is being transferred from one big Catholic feast to another: it will take place in the days...

Irish Dance As A Sport (On Tik Tok)

The brothers frequently refer to Irish dancing as a “sport”. “It’s not that we don’t consider Irish dancing an art form because obviously it is one,” says Michael. “We consider it a sport because it is extremely athletic but also because of the hours of training that you put in for a World Championship. You’re training every single day,...

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