ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Key Missing Link In History Of Alphabet Identified

"Archaeologists digging in the ancient Canaanite settlement of Lachish have unearthed a 3,500-year-old pottery shard inscribed with what they believe is the oldest text found in Israel that was written using an alphabetic script. Earlier Canaanite texts are known, but they were written using hieroglyphs or cuneiform characters." - Haaretz (Israel)

French Court Rules Art Galleries Must Remain Closed (Never Mind The Auction Houses)

Gallerists, angry that their competitors at auction houses were allowed to continue operating during France's ongoing pandemic lockdown, and arguing that online sales don't work for their business (collectors want to see the art they're buying in person), sued the French state, the prime minister, and the health minister. France's Council of State has dismissed the suit, ruling that...

Gustavo Dudamel Is Paris Opera’s Next Music Director

The world's oldest opera company (founded in 1669 by Louis XIV) has signed one of the very few living conductors to become a celebrity in popular culture. The 40-year-old Venezuelan, the most famous product of El Sistema, begins a six-year term in his new job on August 1; he will also remain music director of the Los Angeles Philharmonic...

New Stats: HipHop, Rap Now Account For 22 Percent Of Listening In UK

When BPI started recording data like this in the 1990s, rap music only counted for 3.6% of the singles market. In 2020, it was 22%. - BBC

TV Viewing Down? Networks Protest Nielsen Data

Through the trade group Video Advertising Bureau, the networks are perplexed by Nielsen statistics that show the percentage of Americans who watched their televisions at least some time during the week declined from 92% in 2019 to 87% so far this year. - Toronto Star (AP)

Louis Menand On The Pragmatism Of Lionel Trilling

As Menand puts it in his new book, The Free World: Art and Thought in the Cold War, “Trilling thought that people’s literary preferences tell us something about the kind of human beings they wish to be and about the way they wish other human beings to be—that is, something about their morality and their politics.” - The Point

We Live In The Age Of The Ghostwriter

"In the age of texting and emailing, the world is full of Cyranos: Getting quick, surreptitious help writing high-stakes messages has never been easier, whether that means enlisting friends to consult on a flirty note in a dating app or turning to a co-worker for assistance on a sensitive email to your boss. Although this sort of collaboration is...

In The Netflix Era Does It Make Sense To Classify Movies?

Censorship ain’t what it used to be, including in Ireland. Here, as elsewhere, it’s been replaced by a different C-word. The last Irish film censor, John Kelleher, was instrumental in seeing through legislative reform which in 2008 renamed and redefined his office: he was now a Classifier of films. As a result, the curtain was finally lowered on a...

Does Grit Predict Success? Not Much Evidence

"As it turns out, there was never much in the literature to support either of the two ideas that launched grit on its way: that it was more useful than conscientiousness and that it seriously outperformed “traditional” measures of cognitive or, in the context of military training, physical performance." - Nautilus

Is It Really Possible For A Singer To Shatter A Glass With Her Voice? Well …

It can be done, but it's hardly easy or common, even for people with astounding voices. You have to be hitting just the right note with just the right glass: not any old tumbler or champagne flute will do it, and you have to land — at around 100 decibels — on the precise frequency that will set that...

Community College Enrollment Plunges

The downward trend is occurring at community colleges across the country -- the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center recently reported a 9.5 percent decline at community colleges nationwide -- and is being compounded by the acute socioeconomic effects of the pandemic on students. - InsideHigherEd

For The Guardian, At Least, Charitable Donations To Support News Are Actually Working

The newspaper/website raised $9 million through its dedicated US nonprofit alone over the past 12 months, and has been both active and transparent about getting NGO support to cover specific areas such as human rights and climate change. That said, philanthropy is nowhere near being a primary revenue source, "and after one glorious year of not losing money, The...

Political Theatre Is Useless If It’s Just Preaching To The Choir – So What To Do About It?

"When political theatre preaches to the choir, it removes its potential to disrupt. Indeed, by having such a laser focus on bringing “awareness” to issues, much political art forgets to have a point of view. Art in the current landscape tells us that we live in a racist society or that violence against women exists, but it doesn’t tell...

Marketing Opera On TikTok (Maybe It Works!)

The Royal Opera House in London launched a TikTok channel last summer and has since picked up more than 400,000 followers, with some of its quickie videos picking up millions of hits and likes, especially Diana Damrau singing the Queen of the Night's second aria from The Magic Flute. - The Telegraph (UK)

The Louvre’s Director Is Mounting A Public Campaign To Keep His Job

"Jean-Luc Martinez, … whose job security has been a matter of public speculation for weeks, … has been on a media tour in recent weeks, offering interviews to newspapers, magazines, and television outlets explaining his achievements at the world's most visited museum. … 'His enemies accuse him of selling the museum to tourists, carrying out costly , buying mediocre...

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