ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Alix Dobkin, Who Wrote Songs Of Liberation, 80

Dobkin was an early idol in the women-loving-women movement. "Long before K.D. Lang transformed herself from a country artist into an androgyne pop idol and sex symbol, smoldering in a man’s suit on the cover of Vanity Fair being mock-shaved by the supermodel Cindy Crawford; long before Melissa Etheridge sold millions of copies of her 1993 album, Yes I Am, and...

There’s No Actual Mayor Of Easttown, But Residents Have Some Thoughts On Mare

The chair of the Board of Supervisors of Easttown says the real town isn't much like the show. "'I can’t remember when the last homicide was here, if ever,' said Marc Heppe (pronounced “heppy”), chair of the Easttown Township board of supervisors. ... The big conflicts are over 'a lot of NIMBY stuff' — new development and more traffic....

Gearing Up For Summer Reading

You ready for 75 nonfiction books in 90 days? (Oddly, LitHub also has recommendations for a mere 38 fiction works in the summer, but hey, perhaps fiction is slower than nonfiction for some people?) On your marks, as Memorial Day approaches. Get set! Hit up your local indie bookshop ... and ... GO. - LitHub

The 1990s Magazine That Showed, And Gripped, Lesbian Mecca San Francisco

Curve began its life as Deneuve, a lesbian magazine founded by a 23-year-old who gambled all her money on horse races, won, and used the proceeds to start the mag. There's a new movie documenting its evolution, and how different things might be in 2021. Franco Stevens: "Once I came back from the Book Fair in Chicago, walked into...

Restarting The New York Phil, In A Cemetery

Justin Davidson, on the NY Phil's Green-Wood Cemetery "Death of Classical" concert: "That might not seem like the obvious location to stage the revival of performance culture, but when Green-Wood opened in 1838, it was intended to be one of New York’s grandest, most verdant, and most romantic public parks. (Today, its permanent residents include the orchestra’s late music...

It’s Time To Abolish Museums

Does that sound hyperbolic? It is, a bit. It's time to abolish what musuems have been in order to see what they can be, how we can be. "Museums exert control over how we vision ourselves, past, present and future. They are the time loops that hold and hoard the works of art that can help us chart a...

Prizewinning Composer Sara Glojnaric Talks About How Music And Identity Intersect

Sara Glojnarić, who won Berlin’s “Neue Szenen” competition last year, explains that being a woman, being queer, and working against racism all intersect in her work, and she believes others' identities are reflected in their work as well. When she was in school at Stuttgart, she says, "our professor, Martin Schüttler, encouraged us to engage with that, to work...

Humans Might Not Be Cut Out For Universal Morality

Are there biological or other scientific causes for our moral beliefs? If so, how does that affect our moral beliefs and choices? It's a bit complex: "Our evolutionary conditioning might have made it impossible for us to acquire knowledge of objective moral truths, even if they exist. The other is that our evolved psychology might make it impossible in any...

John Steinbeck Really Did Write A Werewolf Novel. No Way His Estate Is Letting You See It.

"The manuscript, Murder at Full Moon, was completed in 1930 but was never published. A single copy has been sitting, mostly forgotten, in an archive in Texas since 1969. It includes drawings by Steinbeck himself. A scholar of American literature at Stanford University is pushing for the book to be published, but the agents for Steinbeck's estate vehemently refused...

Blindsiding Movie Talent With Streaming Is Probably The New Normal

Gotta keep those subscriber numbers up with direct to streaming movies! But ... how do agents, producers, directors, and actors feel about this? It's not ideal right now: "Talent typically has little leverage should a studio decide to put a title onto a streaming service, sources say. It did not readily occur to either agents or studios that contracts...

How Biden’s New, De-Trumpified Commission Of Fine Arts Could Make A Real Difference

Philip Kennicott: "The new members aren't just visionaries with a firm command of inspiring rhetoric; they know how to read a plan, look at a model, scrutinize a drawing and make precise comments about the small questions of design, materials, spacing, proportion and light. … Rather than simply assess the impact and design of selected federal projects, most of...

France Reveres Roland Petit. Why Doesn’t It Perform His Ballets More Often?

"Even in Petit's home country, his works haven't been staged with great regularity. Nor do companies seem especially interested in resuscitating any of the dozens of full-length works or shorter ballets he created over the course of a long career. It's a curious schism: Despite the relative obscurity of much of Petit's work, he remains much-revered in France, where...

Musicians Don’t Make Good Money From Streaming, But Is That Spotify’s Fault?

The amount of money people are spending on music hasn't changed from when we bought albums at the record store or CDs by Sony subscription service - but the way musicians get the money, and how much money they get, is radically different. "When we talk about per stream rates, what we’re doing is sort of smushing all of...

Charles Larson, Who Established Study Of African Literature In U.S. Academia, Dead At 83

"As a professor at American University in Washington, where he joined the faculty in 1970, Dr. Larson taught some of the first classes offered to U.S. students on African writers. At a time when the literary canon consisted almost entirely of works by British and American authors, he helped secure a place in American academia for writers including ...

Inside TikTok’s New Incubator For Black Creators

The app - long derided both for squelching LGBTQIA voices and exploiting Black creators - reacted to the George Floyd protests by starting an incubator for Black voices. How's it working now? "Program members bonded. ... They shared legal advice, sample media kits, tips on talking to potential agents or collaboration partners and the stresses of turning a hobby...

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