ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Envisioning A Kinder, More Beautiful Apocalypse

Filmmaker Jim Mickle: "I started asking questions like, 'What if you could make an apocalyptic story where you actually want to go to that world?' What does that look like? And you start asking, 'What happens if humans just disappear for 10 years and nature is suddenly allowed to thrive?' It would probably be one of the most beautiful...

Cultivating Creative Community In The Midst Of The Pandemic

It's not easy to find creative community at the best of times. Sometimes you just need an outside force - say, an "art incubator." - Oregon ArtsWatch

Trying To Replicate An Unexpected, Grand Success

That's what season 2 - and sophomore novels - are all about. Overwhelming numbers for a TV series or book can scare artists off. So what's going to happen in series 2 of Lupin? - The New York Times

Boston Merges Ballet And Virtual Reality

It's impressively intimate: "As you stand in the middle of an undulating semi-circle of bodies, each moving with snakelike ports de bras, you discover how eye contact can change the tenor of a performance. By its very design, VR dance is meant to be this visceral. The audience is but a hair away from the action, and occasional trips...

Jeanne-Claude And Christo Drew Up Plans In 1962 To Wrap The Arc De Triomphe

Now, their plans are becoming reality. According to Christo's nephew, "A photo montage of how it would look was done but they never proposed actually doing it because they thought they would never get the necessary permission." They're both gone, but the permission has been given. - The Guardian (UK)

When A Movie Understands A Generational Dilemma

In the Heights might have opened to disappointing box office numbers this weekend, but those who did see it had the chance to learn about second-generation immigrants' dreams - and, through an elderly character, reality. "The classic peril of assimilation in America is that a perceived greater belonging demands a partial loss of self," but Abuela Claudia's character offers...

The Healing Power Of Queer Coming Of Age Stories

Books can be intensely powerful for some people, especially when the books do the work of repairing past pain. "'So many queer people 'have been through immense pain growing up in our adolescence,' Dr. Matos told me. Attempts by the broader culture to 'limit who we loved, what we desire, what we do with our bodies' abound. In these...

The Next Streaming Wars Are Coming

Coming to those who are interested in Spanish-language media, to be a little more precise. Disney, Netflix, and Warner Media, and Univision all have a piece of the pie - and are tugging, hard. "It’s easy to see why streamers and studios see a gold mine. Latinos consistently accounted for a disproportionate amount of moviegoing before the pandemic, yet...

Food Travel Shows Desperately Need New Gatekeepers

Take Netflix's new High on the Hog as an example: "The narrative about Black food is often one of resilience—a history of dishes and cooking passed down from one generation to the next as Black people survived subpar and inhumane conditions. While part of that is true, High on the Hog is not afraid to complicate that narrative by reconsidering Black...

Everybody Plagiarizes

And that's fine. "Published authors, more often than not famous ones, have had few scruples when it comes to committing literary larceny. 'Authors are like privateers,' claimed Samuel Johnson, 'always fair game for one another.'" - The Smart Set

How To Be Everywhere Online

First, meme well (and second, make She Memes Well the title of your memoir). In her new book, comedian and meme power user Quinta Brunson "breaks down her journey from struggling stand-up comedian to being recognized by strangers all over the world. The book includes hilarious anecdotes about growing up in West Philadelphia, being a Black woman, dating and...

Ned Beatty, Prolific Actor Of Stage And Screen, 83

Beatty's roles "captured the full spectrum of humanity — from sincerity to villainy, buffoonery to tragedy — and made him one of the most versatile performers of his generation." Beatty: "My great joy is throwing curveballs. Being a star cuts down your effectiveness as an actor, because you become an identifiable part of a product and somewhat predictable. ......

The Blogger Preserving Jewish Ballet

In college, Beatrice Waterhouse started wondering where she could find information about Jews in the ballet world. So she created a Tumblr site, "'People of the Barre' (which, yes, is a play on 'people of the book') and started using the blog to store tidbits she came across about Jews in ballet, mainly for her own reference." - Forward

Quantum Computing Will Not Change Everything

Despite the hype, the reality is different - and to resist the hucksters, we need to understand why. - Wired

The Fights Over Robert Indiana’s Estate Come To An End

It's been an expensive and draining series of legal battles. "After three years of courtroom hostilities, the estate of the artist Robert Indiana and the artist’s former business partner said Friday that they had agreed to settle the legal disputes that cost the estate millions of dollars and clouded the market for a man known for such works as...

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