ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Let’s Decode The Cultural Moment Around “Rich Men North Of Richmond”

Lyrics celebrating the working man and woman have a long history in American music, from artists including Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, Bill Withers and Bruce Springsteen. Scratch the surface, however, and you also find extremist and conspiratorial narratives. - NPR

Teddy Abrams: The Next Model Of A Modern Major Maestro?

The 36-year-old music director of the Louisville Orchestra has largely eschewed the touring-guest-conductor circuit many of his peers use to build careers. He stays put in Kentucky, putting time and attention into involving himself and the orchestra in the community of the city and the state. - The New York Times

This Again: A Mass Transit System Is Going To Play Classical Music At Stations

The Tyne and Wear Metro, which serves the Newcastle-Gateshead-Sunderland area in northeastern England, played classical in some parts of the system 20 years ago to "curb anti-social behavior." This tie around, it's "to help create a soothing and warmer environment." - BBC

How Folk Music Got Into The Mainstream

Knowing there was no way for him to compete with the established recording companies, Asch’s plan was to do what they wouldn’t: record what they didn’t record, aim at sales to libraries and schools, and keep everything available from sale forever. - LitHub

How To Value A Song? The Music Business Is In A Confused State Right Now

The discrepancy between the way digital download storefronts like iTunes and streaming platforms like Spotify value the worth of a song is going to be hard to reconcile in a satisfying way. - The New Inquiry

John Eliot Gardiner Punched A Singer In The Face Because He Walked Off The Stage Wrong

After conducting two acts of Berlioz's Les Troyens at a festival in France, Gardiner allegedly berated bass William Thomas, slapped and then punched him, all in front of the other musicians. Gardiner has withdrawn from the remaining dates of this touring project, including the BBC Proms. - MSN (The Telegraph, UK)

Describe What You Want: Think Text-To-Image AI Is Cool? Now There’s Text-To-Music

These tools are mainly targeting creators, who can use copyright-free music in their videos or podcasts. The developers are also hoping that musicians notice their tools and blend them into their sample or song-making process. - TechCrunch

EU Gigs For UK Musicians Have Dried Up Since Brexit

“Work has come to a halt … The offer of European gigs simply dried up … My band simply can’t make any kind of living in the tiny UK market, so we basically have folded as a working band.” - The Guardian

They’re Called Haptic Suits, And They Let Deaf People (And Others) Experience Music As Vibrations On The Skin

"Developed by the Philadelphia-based company Music: Not Impossible, the device consists of two ankle bands, two wrist bands and a backpack that fastens with double straps over the rib cage. ... (These) suits are unique because the devices turn individual notes of music into specific vibrations." - The New York Times

Is The Revolutionary New Spatial Audio Really That New In Classical Music?

Even before the comparatively meek technology of two-channel stereo sound was standard in every home, Karlheinz Stockhausen and others were using more complex mixes for works involving electronics or taped elements. - The New York Times

A Culture War Pop Song’s Success Signals A Shift In Pop Culture

"The stunning success testifies to potency of confrontational works that cater to an audience that believes it is underserved, but also: the increasing savvy of promoters and fans — including conservatives — who have mastered digital platforms and guerrilla marketing tactics to dominate culture industries they say have marginalized them." - The New York Times

Yannick Nézet-Séguin Does CBS’s “60 Minutes” (And Vice Versa)

"The truth is I'm not necessarily concerned about not upsetting traditionalists. I think people who love our art form are still gonna love it because we're still gonna play some Puccini and Verdi. To me it's — it's never about not upsetting. And if some people are upset, well, too bad." - CBS

San Francisco Is Trying To Give Away The 40-Ton Organ Sitting Under City Hall

"Despite being in very close to playable condition, the organ has sat in pieces in underground storage near San Francisco City Hall for most of the past three decades. The city is trying to find a forever home, essentially free to anyone with the space and several million dollars to move and install it." - San Francisco Chronicle

Is It Strange San Francisco Hasn’t Had A Piano Festival Until Now?

“It seemed strange to me that there wouldn’t be a piano festival in such a major arts city, where there are in places that are far smaller.” - San Francisco Chronicle

Alex Ross: Misguided Notions Of Culture At Lincoln Center?

"When people make the trip to Broadway and Sixty-fifth, they surely aren’t looking for an awkward transplantation of cultures that exist in more authentic form elsewhere in the city. They more likely want an encounter with something radically other—a world distant in time or space." - The New Yorker

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