ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Disney Used AI For Opening Credits Of The New Marvel Movie. Backlash Ensues

In an interview with Polygon on Wednesday, director Ali Selim confirmed that AI operated by a company called Method Studios produced the opening sequence to the new series, which stars Samuel L Jackson as Marvel fixture Nick Fury. - The Guardian

What “The Truman Show” Got Right About Technology 25 Years Ago

Through Truman’s story, the movie predicted, with eerie acuity, the rise of reality TV, the transactions of social media, the banality of surveillance. But Truman is not the story’s true everyman. The people who watch The Truman Show are. - The Atlantic

What Classic Movie Best Captures Today’s America? “Invasion Of The Body Snatchers”, Says Maureen Dowd

"There's no calm, no deliberation, no chance to change your mind about anything. Just a collapse of individuality, the very trait the country was founded on. In America now, it seems, everyone has been snatched by some invader or other." - The New York Times

Electric-Car Makers Are Dropping AM Radios From Their Products, And Right-Wingers Are Flipping Out

The reason AM radios are being dropped is that the static problem with AM signals gets much worse when the receiver is near an electric motor. Conservatives claim it's a deliberate attempt by large corporations to wipe out conservative talk radio (which is produced by large corporations). - The Guardian

Global Movie Box Office Up 27 Percent In The First Quarter Of 2023

Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) saw the largest spike in B.O., with a 32-percent year-on increase during the first quarter of the year. - Variety

TV’s Tired Script Formulas Are Perfect For AI, Aren’t They?

Let’s get to the other side. After analyzing forty years’ worth of sitcom scripts and studio-audience laughter and applause levels, A.I. has unlocked the secret to comedy: fan-favorite characters entering the scene, over and over again. - The New Yorker

Layoffs At Australia’s National Broadcaster Will Decimate Arts Coverage

"The first mass job cuts at the ABC since 2020 will heavily impact the corporation’s arts coverage and, some argue, may put the corporation in breach of its own Charter, which requires it to 'encourage and promote the musical, dramatic and other performing arts in Australia'." - Limelight (Australia)

The First AI Magazine (It’s Soulless)

The ability to see something you hadn’t expected is what separates printed products from the internet. It’s why those who love magazines do so fiercely. And it’s why I’m conflicted by Midjourney Magazine. I want to like it. But it’s soulless. - Wired

Oh, Great, Now Truther Trolls Are Telling Lies About The Titanic On TikTok

They're saying that the Titanic itself never sank and there was insurance fraud, or that J.P. Morgan or the Rothschilds or the Jesuits ordered it sunk. "It becomes kind of deflating to see a lot of this junk coming out," says one historian of the ship. - The New York Times

Remember When Cord Cutting Seemed Like A Great, Promising Thing For TV?

Those were the heady days. But now, "the initial promise of streaming has given way to frustration and fatigue for consumers and creators alike. Peak TV is in retreat and in its place is a new era of discontent." - Los Angeles Times

If You Don’t Love 3D Screenings, You’re Far From Alone

"One of the places 3D seems to persist is in animated kids' movies, which is the last place it belongs. Why would you want to watch an explosively colorful world unfold while wearing sunglasses?" - NPR

Why Did Spotify’s Big Bet On Meghan Markle Fizzle Out So Completely?

Times have changed. "Spotify chief executive Daniel Ek conceded the firm had made some mistakes during the more than $1bn spending spree that followed its 2019 push to establish itself as a key player in the industry." - BBC

The Hottest Venture Capital Money Burning Entertainment Weirdness Of The 2010s Is Back

But MoviePass is different this time. The old company was thrilling if you liked going to a film a day - and it also collapsed in public, exciting, terrible ways. "The new MoviePass is more boring, which might be good." - Slate

Horror Gaming, Oddly Enough, Can Be A Real Haven For Minoritized Gamers

"LGBT and black streamers say audiences who feel marginalised in other communities feel safest and happiest when they're playing horror games. And they believe the people who watch them online come for a sense of belonging they don't get anywhere else." - BBC

Online News: Fewer People Are Commenting On It, Or Even Reading It. They Prefer Video, Preferably Not Depressing.

"Facebook's exit from news tracks tracks with a move toward TikTok and YouTube, and a worldwide decrease in commenting on and sharing news articles. That's one of the findings from Oxford's Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism in its 2023 Digital News Report." - Nieman Lab

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