ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Denmark Imposes Tax On Streamers To Support Local Programming

Lawmakers in Denmark have agreed global TV streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon, and Disney, must pay a levy of 6% of their revenue in the country to support local TV production. - Reuters

Here’s The Guy Who Oversees All Of Netflix’s Standup Comedy Shows

Robbie Praw, who spent 12 years as programmer at Just for Laughs in Montreal before joining Netflix in 2016, talks about how he chooses which comedians to present, whether Netflix is focusing too much on "politically incorrect" material, and mounting the company's, and Los Angeles's, first-ever major comedy festival. - Vulture

The Art, And The Power, Of Volodymyr Zelensky’s War Videos

"They serve as field reporting, pleas for weapons, arias that glorify Ukraine. But the videos have done more than win Ukraine moral and military support. They have created a serialized manifesto — one that makes the case for liberal democracy over oligarchic autocracy, ... clarifying, day by day, democracy's reason for being." - Wired

Study: Male Film Critics Dominate

The report, titled “Thumbs Down: Film Critics and Gender, and Why It Matters,” shows that in early 2022, males continue to outnumber their female counterparts by more than 2 to 1 in the U.S. - Variety

Director Guillermo del Toro: The Current State Of Movie-Making Is Unsustainable

“We are in the present losing more movies from the past faster than ever before. It seems like we aren’t, but the mere disappearance of physical media is already having corporations curating what we watch, faster for us." - IndieWire

Looks Like Even France’s Film Industry Has Had Enough Of Roman Polanski

His career flourished there after he fled statutory rape charges in the US in 1973. But there was a huge backlash when he won three Césars for An Officer and a Spy in 2019, and he couldn't get French financing (and had trouble getting actors) for his latest film, The Palace. - Variety

“Saturday Night Live” Was A Sexual Harassment Hotbed

"Multiple former female staffers from the early aughts of the long-running sketch show described an environment that was routinely uncomfortable and at times unsafe. ... At worst, the environment was a space where they were objectified and often preyed upon." - Mic

Even As It Impresses The World, South Korea’s Film/TV Industry Is Struggling Domestically

"Insiders say the Korean film industry is facing a host of deeply rooted challenges that were only exacerbated during the pandemic, from the rise of streamers to widespread consolidation that has led to giant conglomerates dominating and squeezing out smaller, more adventurous releases." - The Hollywood Reporter

Untethered: Our Lives Without Cables

"If the trend towards mobile phones continues, and there’s little reason to believe it won’t, landline phones could soon become an endangered species, much like the VCR and other technological relics before it.” - 3 Quarks Daily

Ukraine’s Best Filmmakers Are Recording The War

The country's leading filmmakers, including Oleh Sentsov, Valentyn Vasyanovych, Serhiy Myhalchuk and Olga Beshmelnitsyna, are in the trenches, often literally, documenting Russian atrocities and the impact of the Ukraine war on its citizens. - The Hollywood Reporter

How The Standup Comedy TV Special Became A Genre Of Its Own

"The first decade or so of the 2000s wasn't exactly a time of artistic evolution for the special, but the rapid increase in special-making created an audience aware of the form's traditional tricks, tropes, and trappings — primed to get the joke when comedians started having fun with the form." - Vulture

There Was More To Frank Langella’s Firing Than Just Ignoring The Intimacy Coordinator’s Blocking

"One word consistently used by virtually everyone when describing Langella's behavior" on set for Netflix's The Fall of the House of Usher "was 'toxic' as they recalled (wildly) inappropriate comments and behavior. ... People who worked with Langella on the Netflix series provided more detail about some of the incidents." - Deadline

In The Age Of TikTok, TikTok At Cannes Hits Some Speed Bumps

Filmmakers from 44 countries submitted films to the competition, all between 30 seconds and three minutes in length. The top prize was shared between two directors... - The New York Times

Russian Filmmakers Are Quietly Trying To Line Up Deals At Cannes

"Despite the festival’s public posturing ... Russian buyers are meeting with top sales agents at the Marché du Film. Their numbers are substantially down, but there’s no question that Putin’s Russia is open for business on the French Riviera." - Variety

What Does It Take To Get Older Audiences Back To The Movies?

Why, just a little Downton Abbey magic, of course. - Los Angeles Times

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