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June 16, 2005

What we're talking about

Is there a fundamental difference in the ways music critics see their roles? Are European classical music critics different from American critics? Are there different expectations of London critics than New York critics? Between critics in the “second cities” of America and those of Europe? Consequently...

is the level of public discussion about music different in North America than in Europe?

Is the current health of classical music related at all to the ways music is reviewed and written about?...In America, any serious discussion about the state of classical music sooner or later gets around to comparisons between North America and Europe (and increasingly Asia). There are big differences between how music is marketed, supported and consumed depending on where you are; also where and how music fits into their respective cultures. It’s complicated to make generalizations about the state of music since few critics hear all (or even most) of the orchestras or soloists regularly. So who’s got the role of the modern classical music critic figured out?

Posted by mclennan at June 16, 2005 08:13 PM


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