To this end, an old friend of ours is spending the week at our apartment in New York, looking after Mrs. T’s needs, while I hole up at our place in Connecticut and (as Jake Gittes says in Chinatown) do as little as possible. I’ll be spending the next two nights at a harborside hotel on Long Island Sound of which I am inordinately fond, and on Saturday I’ll return to New York—but not to the Journal. I figure that a full week of absolute rest, followed by an additional week without shows or deadlines, will be enough to restore at least some of my equilibrium.
I will, as always, continue to post the usual daily blog items during my absence—they’re done well in advance—and I’ll also be looking in on Twitter and Facebook from time to time. Mostly, though, I plan to sleep late, read books, watch movies, and sit in a hot tub. So don’t look for reviews until after Labor Day: there won’t be any.
See you around.