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July 22, 2006

This blog

by Douglas McLennan
Over the past decade there has been a steady drumbeat of stories about how classical music is languishing, about how audiences are graying, and the business of music is becoming unsustainable. And yet, to be a music consumer this could seem a Golden Age. There is...
more choice of music, more access to music, and more excellence in performance than at any time in history. Our music schools are stuffed to overflowing, the quality of musicians in orchestras has never been higher, and more people listen to classical music worldwide than ever before. Our culture is reinventing around us - is classical music poised for opportunity or is it primed to be a casualty in the cultural order? We've assembled a panel of critics, musicians and students to debate the issue, following our week-long online discussion on ArtsJournal.

Posted by mclennan at July 22, 2006 01:41 AM


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