neworleans: October 2007 Archives

"Of all the suits I made, there's a better one in my head. And I got to get it out."
--Big Chief Allison "Tootie" Montana, from an interview in Royce Osborn's "All on a Mardi Gras Day"

"Which of your tunes do you think is the best?"
"The one coming up tomorrow. Always."
--Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington, from a TV interview included in Ken Burns's "Jazz"

October 29, 2007 11:31 PM |

When cops converge and musicians get arrested while singing a hymn, something unholy is afoot.

Below is my piece posted today at that discusses this latest chapter in the post-Katrina fight for culture in New Orleans. This was big news in New Orleans, and has stimulated much local debate: The issues raised deserve national attention. I'd be glad to hear your comments and thoughts -- especially so, if you care to post comments at the Salon site.

There's more to say than I could fit in the story: I'll spill it out here in days to come. And I'll keep you posted on what comes of a telling controversy.

Band on the run in New Orleans

Police have cracked down on funeral processions, a time-honored cultural tradition in the historic black neighborhood of Tremé. But musicians vow to play on.

October 29, 2007 12:46 PM |



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