In book/daddy's secret alternate identity ...

       Greendale3 small.jpg

... as a mild-mannered arts producer-reporter-blogger over at, he has put up his first for-real radio news feature, as opposed to his on-air reviews, which have basically been just him in front of a studio mike, mouthing off. Check it out, freshly broadcast today. It's about Greendale, the rock opera by Neil Young, which is being given a world-premiere staging by Dallas' adventurous theater company, the Undermain. That's Nelson Pittman, Bruce DuBose and Kenny Withrow in the photo by Brian Barnaud.

All of this makes book/daddy feel like Johnny Gizmo, Cub Radio Reporter! But it really is kinda cool, especially when the whole thing is then put up online with production photos, song clips and links to other websites, the whole 'multi-platform' experience.Which, it should be pointed out, is the kind of cultural coverage no one else is really doing in the neighborhood. 

So give a listen: Book/daddy talks!

March 28, 2008 4:17 PM |



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