How to Join In

We’ve recruited 15 prominent figures in the arts to debate our question. They will post in the “Lead” or Follow” columns below.

Three Ways For You to Participate

  1. Make an Argument Readers who want to participate will appear in the third column “Argument & Debate” Just click the “Submit a Post” link. As they post, those joining the debate will have the option of choosing either a “lead” or “follow” image to graphically indicate on which side their argument falls. In this way, the audience gets equal standing and is not subordinated to a “comments” section. Debaters also have the opportunity to link their posts to specific paragraphs of other arguments. You’ll find a “#” tag at the end of each paragraph in each post. To link to the paragraph, simply click the “#” and copy the URL and paste it into your entry. Arguments in posts will be linked to the places in other posts they are referring to. In this way, readers ought to be able to better follow threads through the week.
  2. Sentiment Meter – VOTE! Participants will be also be able to vote – once each day – on whether they lean more toward the lead or follow sides of the argument. The votes will be shown in a thermometer-like graphic at the top of the page, and over the course of the week readers will be able to see whether the community is influenced more by one side or the other.
  3. Resources We have a number of audience engagement resources which you can download and read.


  1. Robert Saarnio says

    subscribing to follow the dialog, just learning of the discussion

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