Look to the skies!


Put on your cape and fly over to book/daddy's other worksite, Art&Seek! There you will find a feature about superheroes -- they seem to be rather a big deal right now, don't they? I've heard something about one or two this summer -- and specifically you'll read about the new anthology of superhero short stories, Who Can Save Us Now?

But this story also features:

  • a real-live audio clip of book/daddy! Hear him speak -- intelligibly!
  • interviews with real authors, a purported editor and an actual professor
  • intelligent discussions of superhero-dom
  • PLUS, best of all. book/daddy's successful attempt to get Black Sabbath's "Iron Man" played on an NPR station! 

    Image from Somethingawful.com

August 4, 2008 10:43 PM |



Best of the Vault


Pat Barker, Frankenstein, Cass Sunstein on the internet, Samuel Johnson, Thrillers, Denis Johnson, Alan Furst, Caryl Phillips, Richard Flanagan, George Saunders, Michael Harvey, Larry McMurtry, Harry Potter and more ...


Big D between the sheets -- Dallas in fiction


Reviewing the state of reviewing


9/11 as a novel: Why?


How can critics say the things they do? And why does anyone pay attention? It's the issue of authority.

The disappearing book pages:  

Papers are cutting book coverage for little reason

Thrillers and Lists:  

Noir favorites, who makes the cut and why



About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by book/daddy published on August 4, 2008 10:43 PM.

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The Dallas Myth: A Review is the next entry in this blog.

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