If the creek don't rise, if the levee don't break ...

... I'll be heading out Friday to visit some water-logged in-laws in the Texas Hill Country. Marble Falls -- along the way to Fredericksburg where we're going -- got 19 inches of rain the other night, the most on record.

So whatever happens -- we make it, we disappear in a flash flood, we get damper than we already are -- book/daddy won't be posting for a few days. Just to give you an idea of how this goes: The trip sounds dicey right now, but hey, parts of Dallas are preparing evacuation and the Irving sewage plant has backed up, so staying home isn't going to be a piece of (dry) cake, either.

June 28, 2007 10:03 PM | | Comments (2)



Thanks for the concern. They're all right. There was just so much happening down there (including the children's performances in a local stage production of The Wizard of Oz) that we trekked on down to help.

Surprisingly, the drive down and back was pretty dry. As soon as we got back to Dallas County, it began to rain.

I live in Austin, the rain has been insane. I hope your in-laws didn't sustain too much damage to their home.


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