On the road

I'll be travelling to the Texas Book Festival in Austin and hope to post from there this weekend. But that means my entries will probably be thin today or tomorrow. Here's John Freeman on how this year's festival is more than usually political. Because it's in Austin, because it was created by the Bushes when they were in power and Laura Bush remains an influence, the festival has always had political overtones -- and not just in who the speakers are but the very reasons for the festival itself (more on this later). This year's schedule, however, reflects a divisive election year as well as the kind of political heat that has typified publishing and bestsellers the past several years.

October 26, 2006 8:10 AM |



Best of the Vault


Pat Barker, Frankenstein, Cass Sunstein on the internet, Samuel Johnson, Thrillers, Denis Johnson, Alan Furst, Caryl Phillips, Richard Flanagan, George Saunders, Michael Harvey, Larry McMurtry, Harry Potter and more ...


Big D between the sheets -- Dallas in fiction


Reviewing the state of reviewing


9/11 as a novel: Why?


How can critics say the things they do? And why does anyone pay attention? It's the issue of authority.

The disappearing book pages:  

Papers are cutting book coverage for little reason

Thrillers and Lists:  

Noir favorites, who makes the cut and why



About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by book/daddy published on October 26, 2006 8:10 AM.

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My departure (and the Collapse of Books Coverage) is the next entry in this blog.

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