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January 5, 2003

December 29-January 4

The Online Museum - Five That Get It Right The wrold's great museums are the world's great museums. But the online museum is a recent development. Here are Joseph Phelan's picks as the most interesting online art museum presentations... Artcyclopedia 01/03

What Is The Lure Of American Culture? American culture is everywhere. But why? Why would the world be interested in globalized American culture? "Due to its multi-ethnic and multi-cultural composition, especially in the formative years of modern entertainment culture around 1900, American popular culture was faced with the challenge of a market that anticipated the present global market on a smaller scale. This led to the development of broadly comprehensible, non-verbal forms of performance, relying preferably on visual and auditory forms of expression. Before Americanization of other societies could occur, American culture itself had to be 'Americanized'." Project Syndicate 02/01

The Ideas (Best & Worst) Of 2002 What were the most underrated ideas of the year? The most overrated? From baseball stadiums to spas to war and propaganda, leading adademics and scholars made their nominations to the New York Times. The New York Times 12/28/02

The Stories of 2002 - To An Unsettling Counterpoint In any average year, money almost always seems to play some sort of counterpoint in stories about the arts. But from Melbourne to Moscow, money dominated more than its share of arts stories in 2002. ArtsJournal editor Douglas McLennan writes about the top arts stories of 2002 in the London Evening Standard... By Douglas McLennan

Shock Of The Old What's the next big thing in British art? "Prepare yourself to be truly shocked. For the next big thing in modern British art is the New Gentleness. And it involves lots of that supposedly endangered species, the painter. Massed watercolourists are not about to storm Tate Britain and ransack the Turner prize show, but something is stirring, though no one dares to use the word movement." The Guardian (UK) 01/01/03

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