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June 20, 2005

Midori in Asia

This blog officially begins on Wednesday, June 22. During the next two weeks Midori and I will be talking about her tour of Asia, where she's not only performing concerts, but working with students and audiences. So check back Wednesday for the start of our dialogue, and join in.

Posted by mclennan at June 20, 2005 9:33 AM



I Live in Brazil and we have almost NO access to Midori's work here. Everything I have needed to be imported.

Since it will be impossible to ever watch Midoru playing live here in Brazil, I would like to know if is there a plan to record Midori's live/studio DVD through Sony Classical or other label.

Posted by: Carlos Fersura at June 23, 2005 7:07 PM

Dear Midori,
I was very excited and surprised that I could see you in a short distance after the concert in Hong Kong Cultural Center because no notice there you would come to meet us before. Although I felt a little shy in handing a CD to you for a signature, you really impressed me and you are very approaching. I deeply agree the importance you mentioned `meet and greet'. It could built the friendship between you and us more effective than we just listen to your CD alone at home. At last, I hope you can come again and play together with HKPO for any violin concerto soon.

Best Wishes,
Joseph Tsui

Posted by: Joseph Tsui at June 23, 2005 11:20 PM