main: May 2006 Archives

Dear Kind and Patient Readers,

I am going to be away for two weeks, on a Fulbright speaking tour of Poland. In preparation I have been watching many Polish films, and I strongly recommend Kieslowski's Decalogue, and also the DVD boxed set of his earlier works from Kino on Video. Both are extraordinary, especially compared with a lot of other films being made at the same time. I am not a big fan of Blue and Red in the Three Colors Trilogy, but I adored White. (This is not the consensus view, only the opinion of a crank who tires quickly of French film preciosity, which Kieslowski caught a mild case of after 1990.) My article on Kieslowski will appear in the next issue of the Claremont Review of Books.

Talk to you soon,

May 12, 2006 1:07 PM |


Me Elsewhere

Our Art Belongs to Dada 

Rent my "Dadioguide" tour of the Dada show (before it moves to MoMA) ...

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