Category: Producorial Responsibilities

  • Producorial Responsibility #3: Relevance (Contributing to the National Conversation)

      A door is standing open for us. So often in the American theatre, especially in the last four years, all we hear about, all we feel, is every door is closing. Foundation assets shrinking, donor pocketbooks tightening, earned income competition growing from angles we can’t  control or sometimes even understand, audiences aging. It’s easy…

  • Producorial Responsibility #2: An Emphasis on Arts Education

    Having made significant steps toward ensuring artist diversity, and so at least opening the door to audience diversity, the producer’s next responsibility is to make an investment in arts education.  Let me make no bones about it: the stigma that still clings to this part of our field among so-called “serious” producers is wrong-headed and…

  • Producorial Responsibility: Artist and Audience Diversity

    While artist diversity is arguably not the KEY to building audience diversity, I think it’s fair to say it’s highly unlikely for a producing organization to sustain the latter without the former.  It’s the nature of the relationship, right?  We like to see ourselves represented on stage, and meaningful or not, consciously or not, many people define…

  • An Introduction to Producorial Responsibilities

      For theatre artists to matter in America, for them to exercise their core skills like fostering empathy and to paving the way for honest and impactful dialogue, organizations that produce theatre have to matter.  Simple enough, right?   But this may well be a somewhat-stickier-wicket than making sure artists matter!  Because for it to…