Category: Uncategorized

  • Does Sustainability Mean Artistic Success?

    My recent post, Too Big to Succeed, generated some discussion about what constitutes success.  I believe organizations would likely define success as implementation of their mission at the highest level permitted by their finances.  Does this make sense?  Yes, of course, but it  obfuscates the delicate relationships within the production of the artistic product, its…

  • Too Big To Succeed?

    I have appreciated the many comments that my first blog engendered.  My initial outline for future postings included “ranting” a bit about the systemic issues that make the standard NFP model dysfunctional, and then post some new and emerging models I’ve discovered.  These models range from those currently in action to those still in construction. …

  • Is the Not-for-Profit Structure Destructive?

    In my new job at Drexel as Professor of Arts Administration, I’ve been able to research a question that has been of particular interest to me.  Is the traditional not-for-profit, 501(c)3 (NFP) so cumbersome in its structure as to actually impede the very promise of its original intention?  I’ve recently had the luxury to delve…