Webinar: Education Reform in the New Congress: What Could It Mean for Arts Education?

Education Reform in the New Congress: What Could It Mean for Arts Education?
Tuesday, January 11, 2011, 3:00pm-4:00pm

man_with_bullhorn.jpgAfter a decade of debate since the last major education bill, is it time for action? According to President Obama, Education Secretary Duncan and leaders in Congress, education reform is one policy area that could find bipartisan agreement in the new Congress.
However with limits on federal spending, new players in town and different ideologies there’s a lot of reasons why it may not happen.
Join this webinar to view a presentation by Americans for the Arts Director of Federal Affairs Narric Rome as he demystifies the issues and impact of federal K-12 arts education policy, identifies the federal movers and shakers in education reform for 2011, and speculates what federal action could mean for arts education at the state and district levels.
The webinar will offer Q&A opportunities for the webinar participants and will include the following national arts education leaders as Commentators:
Heather Noonan, Vice President of Advocacy, League of American Orchestras
Debora Hansen, President, State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education
Richard Kessler, Executive Director, The Center for Arts Education
Click here to register for the webinar.