I get asked about this document fairly often, so I thought I would re-post it. There is something about this Arts Education Bill of Rights that captures people’s imagination.

We haven’t done much with it yet, but are working on it, and see it as having great potential to frame the issues around arts education and equity.

The Center for Arts Education


Every child in every school has the right to a well-rounded education, of which the arts are an essential ingredient. Beyond
having great value in and of themselves, the arts promote the health
and well-being of children, including academic and personal growth,
critical thinking and analytical skills, and the motivation to stay in
school and excel. Quality arts education is central to a complete
education–and it is required by state law.  
Experience with the arts gives children the
opportunity to achieve their full potential and become artists,
audiences, informed citizens, and professionals who are prepared for
success in the 21st century economy. 
A quality arts education provides students with unique learning opportunities that:
  • Open doors of opportunity through the
    development of conceptual, analytical, and problem-solving skills that
    are indispensable in the 21st century workforce
  • Foster an understanding of personal identity, appreciation for culture, and connection with community
  • Contribute to students’ overall health and development as people and global citizens
  • Help transform schools into places of inquiry and wonder where excitement, possibility, discovery, and  imagination thrive
  • Encourage expression, creativity, innovative thinking, and cooperative learning experiences
  • Increase students’ aptitude for learning and motivate them to stay in school and strive for greater success
  • Engage multiple learning styles in ways not achievable through traditional instructional methods
Every school must have the resources, leadership, parental
involvement, and public commitment needed to ensure that every child is
able to realize the unique benefits of learning in and through the arts. Every child in every school has the right to the fundamental components of a quality arts education, including:
  1. Instruction by qualified teachers, enriched and strengthened by dedicated teaching artists and cultural institutions
  2. Facilities and classrooms that are adequately equipped for learning in and through the arts
  3. Access to appropriate materials, supplies, equipment, and instruments
  4. The requisite instructional time to deliver standards-based instruction in all art forms
  5. The minimum legal requirements for arts education as set forth in state education law
