It's amazing ...

... if book/daddy still have any readers left at all. Official apologies again for the lackluster contributions the past week or so. The bronchitis has left Book/Daddy Headquarters seriously understaffed.

Well, the bronchitis, plus the ample supply of codeine. And the wretched weather. It's currently flooding in Dallas, if you haven't heard.

All of which is why whenever someone at Book/Daddy HQ suggests just giving up and going back to bed, the motion always seems to pass unanimously.

May 2, 2007 8:28 PM | | Comments (3)



As someone in north Texas who has just finished a very ugly 49 hours without electricity, I concur that sleeping is the best course of action.

Hope you'll feel better soon.

You still have readers (are you running SiteMeter to see who?) and I'm sorry to hear you are under the weather.

I second the mold possibility -- but I couldn't live without my books. I sniff every piece of paper before it comes through the door, just as obsessive about mildew as knitters are about wool moths, LOL.

Be well.

It may well be bronchitis. But the cause is mold. This has been a killer season. And books are a wonderful medium in which to culture the stuff. Throw 'em out.


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