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Michelle Ellsworth
Ed: The Word Made Dress
January 12 - 16, 2004

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    About Ellsworth Bloggers

    Thanks to our Bloggers for Michelle Ellsworth. Here's a little more about them...

    Beth Brooks - An arts marketing veteran for the past 20 plus years, Beth has been a faithful member of the OtB audience for just about as long. While secretly she'd give anything to be able to dance professionally for even five minutes, she's content to thunder around the living room occasionally with the hopes that she doesn't freak out the cat or the neighbors.

    Bret Fetzer writes plays, short stories, other things. His new play, 'Clubfoot, or, Tales of an EMT', was performed at Richard Hugo House in late November.

    Allen Johnson has worked as an inksmith, truck driver, and boiler mechanic.  A portion of his solo show, Another You, was presented at On the Boards' Northwest New Works Festival in April, and the Portland Institute for Contemporary Art's TBA Festival in September. 


Who better to write about what happens at On the Boards than the people who support and attend our performances? Making art is part of a dialogue between artist and audience, and so we've created Blog the Boards... More

About Ellsworth Bloggers
Thanks to our Bloggers for Michelle Ellsworth, Beth Brooks, Allen Johnson and Bret Fetzer. More

About Ed: The Word Made Dress

About Michelle Ellsworth
Collaborator Bios here... More

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